Traveling During COVID-19

We believe that the most important thing to combat any virus is having a strong immune system. Eating a healthy, plant-based diet is number one on our list. After this, daily exercise, getting enough rest and a bit of sunlight each day also helps. But for some it is not so simple to achieve, and with the virus enduring and no sign of it disappearing anytime soon, we have developed these guidelines that guests should follow to keep themselves and their host safe. 

(If you host on Vegvisits, check out our guidelines for hosting amid COVID-19)

#1: Look at each listing’s safety features

Hosts can now opt into VV’s COVID-19 Cleaning Protocol, as well as choose to block out their calendar 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours between two guest stays. All this information and more can be found in each accommodation’s listing page, under Safety Features.

#2: Follow these new rules...

If you’re staying in a private or shared room:

1) Respect physical distancing at all times. If it’s not possible, consider wearing a mask or face covering inside the place when necessary. If the host requires guests to wear a mask inside the home, the host must include this information under House Rules in the listing page before a booking is made.

2) Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze, and dispose of the used tissue.

3) Clean all dishes, cookware and utensils immediately after use - do not leave dirty dishes in the sink!

4) Avoid sharing electronic devices, such as remotes, keyboards etc.

5) If possible, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Recommendations for everyone:

1) Every time you return to your VV, wash your hands.

2) Wear a mask/face covering in public places.

3) Avoid large crowds and maintain physical distancing everywhere you go.

4) Avoid public transportation and car ride sharing as much as you can. 

5) Find more activities to do outside in the fresh air (going for a long walk or hike, swimming, visiting a farm etc.)

If you experience the loss of taste or smell, feel unwell, have a fever, a cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and follow the directions of your local health authority. Don’t travel, and cancel all your bookings immediately until you’ve fully recovered. 


Vegvisits: safer than a hotel

Staying at hotels can be stressful for many of us, especially now with COVID-19. Not only is it hard to keep 6 feet from other people in elevators, lobbies and narrow halls, but you are exposed to hundreds of people all using the same common areas. You have to go out to eat (again exposing yourself to tons of people), or rely on the area’s delivery/takeout options which could be very limited to vegans and vegetarians. And if you are in quarantine (depending on local regulations), a hotel room is not the most comfortable place to pass the time.

Renting a Vegvisits accommodation, you have access to a kitchen to make your own meals. If you’re renting an entire place, you don’t have to worry about constant interactions with other people, wearing masks or cleaning. Even if renting a private room, your risk is much less than a hotel, as it’s only a few people you may come into contact with. And in general, there's usually a lot more space to explore and get into different hobbies renting a house versus a hotel room. You can still enjoy the long conversations with good company, and feel more at ease in a home that is sterile in all the good ways but still beaming with life!

If you have any further suggestions or recommendations for us, we’d love to hear from you! Just click here to send us an email :)