Being a great Vegvisits host

Guests feel more comfortable and happy booking a place from hosts they can relate to and immediately connect with. It's these positive interactions and experiences that are the pulse of the Vegvisits community, and what keeps us beating stronger than ever. Here's a few things to keep in mind to guarantee a great experience for guests.

1. Many times guests have been traveling for a while before arriving. The may have just landed from a long flight or finished a long drive, and are very short on sleep!

2. Most guests really appreciate some local input on the surrounding area - what to do, where to eat, etc. Printing out a list of vegan/vegetarian restaurants close by (even having some meal suggestions!) is often greatly appreciated.

3. Respect their privacy.

4. Provide the essentials (towels, sheets, pillows, and soap).

5. Everyone has different lifestyles, so be mindful of their preferences for when they go to sleep and when they wake up in terms of noise level.

6. Television. While the world watches a lot of it, your guests may not have one or be use to the constant noise.

7. If you have friends over, just be sure to give a heads up to your guests and make sure they're ok with it.

8. Be respectful of guests coming into your home, and make sure to keep everything clean and nicely put together. Also, if another guest just left, make sure you change/clean the sheets, towels etc.

9. Refrigerator space. Food is very important to this community, just make sure you leave them some room to put their things.

10. We’re all at different places in our journey. Some guests may not want to be super chatty, while others may want to have dinner with you - do not be offended! Put yourself in your guests’ shoes and be respectful of where they may be emotionally and the many things they could be going through.

11. While part of hosting in our community is about extra income, it can’t all be about that! It is also about friendship, respect and understanding. Try to lean towards the side of friendship verses business and just make them feel truly welcome!

12. If you are a massage therapist, personal trainer, nutritionist, health coach, chef, etc. let your guests know of the other services you can offer them! Guests on Vegvisits value feeling good, and these extras can take their trip to the next level.

13. Finally, try to make it a great experience for them! Traveling can be both exciting and frightening. It isn’t something most get to do often. It’s a special time and usually creates a long-lasting memory. Try to create great experiences for your guests!

Thanks for reading, and we hope you HAVE FUN!