If you're not getting our emails about activity on your account, then they're probably going to a folder other than you primary inbox. Often our emails go to the Promotions folder if you are using Gmail, or perhaps even the Spam folder. This can get pretty annoying, and chances are you will not see the email before your time to respond has expired. But there's a way around it - adding an email filter.
If you are using Gmail, follow these simple steps to make sure you always see our notifications:
1) Click on the Settings icon on the top right of your inbox
2) Click on the See all settings link
3) Click on the tab titled Filters and Blocked Addresses, and then click on the link that says Create a new filter
4) Where it says From, type in the email address team@vegvisits.com
5) Check off Never send it to Spam and Categorize as, and select Primary from the dropdown menu
6) Click the Create filter button, and you're all set!
You can also receive SMS notifications when you have activity on your Vegvisits account by adding your phone number to your user profile.